Multidisciplinary events, combining high academic standards and a pedagogical approach, in order to renew the relationship with the public and present current research on contemporary issues.
“In green and against all odds” | Performances, installations, symposium, practical and theoretical workshops on the theme of ‘green’
Application deadline | 24.04.2023 École Polytechnique & Le Générateur | 15 & 16.12.2023
The ‘green’ has become like a double paradox of the human being, his ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’: we are experiencing a generalised ‘greening’ of the world, often artificial and symbolic. At the same time, the living systems and the biosphere are undergoing increasing technical manipulation.
‘En vert et contre tout’, a Jens Hauser’s curatorial proposal, highlights the contrast between the notions of liveliness and naturalness and those of artificiality and toxicity.
Full programme
15 December, 9.30am – 5.30pm | Participatory workshops and demonstrations, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Seven workshops and demonstrations about ‘green’ from a biological, fictional and sociological perspective.
Workshop programme
16 December, 10am – 1pm | Performed thesis defence, Le Générateur (Gentilly)
Anouk Daguin’s thesis defence on her research about “La richesse des bavardages ordinaires” (The richness of ordinary chatter”), or how to “initiate different processes of encounter through scientific practice and the mediation of plants”.
16 December, 2pm – 7pm | Symposium “En vert et contre tout”, Le Générateur
15 & 16 December, 8pm | Shadows from the Wall of Death, Le Générateur | admission €10
An Adam Brown’s complex installation which represents a performative synthesis of toxic green pigments, a play on shadows and nanoparticles, as well as the prospect of a Homo Photosyntheticus who will no longer eat.
An event organised and co-produced by Le Générateur, the Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique CNRS-École Polytechnique, the Interdisciplinary Center SPIRAL of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the Chaire Arts & Sciences of École Polytechnique, École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs-Paris, Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, and the OU\ /VERT Association. As part of and with the support of Némo – International Biennial of Digital Arts of the Île-de-France Region.
Weekend Christopher Nolan | Nemo Biennial 2023
Two days of interdisciplinary meetings, debates and performances
Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS | 25 & 26.11.2023, Saturday 2-10pm, Sunday 2-7pm
After a weekend dedicated to Blade Runner in 2021 proposed by the Chaire Arts & Sciences, a new partnering with the Némo Biennial to dissect the filmography of Christopher Nolan, master of the experimental blockbuster. Through Memento, The Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar and Oppenheimer, a wide range of scientific, artistic and philosophical subjects are explored over the two days, which include meetings, round tables, art visits and an audiovisual performance.
Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, 5 rue Curial, 75019 Paris
Agora des Nanos
Participatory meetings on nanoscience: how is scientific discourse transmitted
Théâtre de la Ville – Paris | 25.11.2023, 3pm-6.30pm
Two participatory meetings on the transmission of scientific knowledge:
- Poster-goûter : at the table with nanoscientists
A convivial experience to dialogue with nanoscience researchers and students from the Ecole Estienne, on three themes: quantum computers, ecology and nanorobotics. Six scientific posters are transformed into tables around which the public is invited to sit and talk to six researchers and students from the Ecole Estienne, who have put their work in neuroscience into images, during a tasty snack.
Environmental impact of nanotechnologies and nanosciences with Hynd Remita (researcher in physical chemistry, specialist in radiation chemistry and nanomaterials, University Paris Saclay), Sophie Carenco (researcher in nanomaterials and nanochemistry, Sorbonne University) & Dorothée Browaeys (science journalist)
Did you say quantum computer? with Landry Bretheau (professor of quantum physics, Ecole polytechnique), Eleni Diamanti (researcher in photonics and quantum cryptography, Sorbonne University) & Olivier Ezratty (quantum technology consultant)
Micro- and nano-robots are among us with Stéphane Régnier (robotics researcher, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Sorbonne University) and Bernold Hasenknopf (professor of supramolecular chemistry, Sorbonne University)
NanoRumeurs: on stage with scientists
How is science transmitted?
Protocol: a chain of “rumours” begins with a scientist on stage explaining his research to members of the audience, who then have to explain it to people who have not heard the first presentation. Charles Antoine, a quantum physicist from Sorbonne University, and Nathalie Lidgi-Guigui, a physicist from Paris 13 University, take it in turns to explain a scientific concept to the audience. Several members of the audience, who had previously left backstage, return to the stage one by one to hear what the previous performers have retained from the explanation, and then try to pass it on to the next performers. Their successive interpretations are then deciphered by Albert Moukheiber, a doctor in neuroscience and a specialist in cognitive biases, who will end the event with a discussion with the audience on the transmission of scientific ideas.
A project by the Chaire Arts & Sciences of École polytechnique, École des Arts Décoratifs-Paris and the Fondation Daniel and Nina Carasso, based on a proposal by Giancarlo Rizza (LSI – École polytechnique, CEA) in partnership with C’Nano – CNRS and the École Estienne (DSAA Design d’illustration scientifique and DSAA Design et Création numérique). Project labelled Year of Physics – CNRS, linked with Ruedi and Vera Baur’s “School of non-knowledge”.
Initial design of the “Poster-brunch” scenographic and graphic device: Greg Roma, based on an original idea by Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab, Ecole des Arts Décoratifs) and Marc Dondey (La Scène de recherche, ENS Paris-Saclay).
Théâtre de la Ville – Sarah Bernardt, 2 place du Châtelet, 75004 Paris
Useful Fictions – Symbiosis
Symbiose(s) arts & sciences weekend at the Théâtre de la Ville – Paris | 01-02.07.2023
At a time of climate disruption, is it possible to develop new forms of cooperation with living organisms, learning machines and connected objects? Can we transform them into symbiotic allies in the face of environmental and social challenges?
Appointment at the Théâtre de la Ville on 1 & 2 July for “Useful Fictions: Symbiosis”:
a weekend of interactive performances, participatory installations, VR workshops and conferences, 2 days of exhibitions, performances and conferences, the fruit of an intensive week of research and creation at the Institut polytechnique de Paris. Come and interact with connected objects, link up with an aralia from Japan, observe fog and caramel installations, understand the processes of Machine Learning, take part in an AV performance, put contemporary struggles into words, discover ecofeminist artistic practices…
Lab 1 | “Symbiosis of the ephemeral”: fog and caramel installations
Lab 2 | “Zoïmorphisme, le démiurge et l’artifice en pleine nature”: inanimate objects in flexible materials come to life in aquariums
Lab 3 | “Behavioural objects, curious objects”: when connected objects are too curious about our #datas, how can we establish trust?
Lab 4 | “Phytomorphisme – se planter avec l’aralia du Japon”: participative installation to enter into symbiosis with a plant, via a connected mat
Lab 5 | “Le Studio, création d’un espace symbiotique”: interactive performance using hybrid video streams to create a collective AV narrative
Lab 6 | Symbiosis of struggles: theatrical performance based on contemporary struggles – ecology, feminism, class struggle, racism, etc.
Lab 7 | Workshop Hexagram | MachineLearning: a virtual reality device to better understand AI learning technologies
with “Consultations poétiques” (poetic interventions) by the Théâtre de la Ville troupe and lectures by Sofian Audry and Anaïs Tondeur.
:: Discover the teaser of the event ::
An artistic journey through the gardens and halls of the Théâtre de la Ville – Espace Pierre Cardin, 1 av Gabriel, 75008 Paris (m°Concorde):
- Saturday 1 July: 2.30pm – 10pm
- Sunday 2 July: 2.30pm – 6pm
Study day “From the cultivation of science to research-creation/practice-based research”
École des Arts Décoratifs – Paris | 15.05.2023
En hommage et en référence à la « mise en culture de la science » proposée dès les années 1980 par le physicien et essayiste Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, cette journée d’études est conçue comme un espace de rencontres et de débats autour de la notion de recherche-création, avec trois sessions thématiques pour en retracer l’historique, définir son cadre théorique et le statut des connaissances produites, explorer son potentiel d’action et de conscientisation, à la rencontre des savoirs scientifiques, artistiques, technologiques et numériques ainsi que des publics.
Entrée libre sur inscription
Open Call ‘Useful Fictions’ Summer School 3 • Symbiosis
Application deadline | 24.04.2023
Can we design new co1fffffffffffffffffffoperations with living organisms, learning machines and connected objects, and transform them into symbiotic allies in the face of environmental1fffand social challenges? Drawing inspiration from physical models to sketch out new narratives?
For the third edition of its Useful Fictions ‘Symbioses’ Summer School, the Chaire Arts et Sciences1fffff is launching an open call for a week of meetings and activities in symbiosis1fffffffffff to explore together research and experimentation in Arts and Sciences.
The online application form is open to any interested person without any degree requirement and until 24.04.2023.
Communities of machines: exhibition and thesis defence by Olivain Porry
Maison des Métallos | 13-16. 04.2022
An exhibition by Olivain Porry with the robotic and communicating object collectives “Fans (gisants)” (2020), “Toasters” (2018) and “Enlightenment” (2020). These art installations form communities of objects with behaviours, they operate according to their own organisations, which they allow us to perceive: the fans of “Fans (gisants)” twist on the floor, the toasters of “Toasters” move and drum with force, while the projectors of “Enlightenment” light each other. Together they coordinate and create a new and moving entity, between the living and the artificial, on the scale of the exhibition.This exhibition and the accompanying doctoral thesis propose to approach the networks of objects through their mutual relations, their agentivity and their relationship to the context. Through the production of movements, the expression of states and the spatial arrangement, the works invite us to experience arrangements of machinic subjectivities, of societies of objects.
Exploring the invisible: 3 weeks of arts & sciences events in Île-de-France, designed by the Exoplanète Terre network
Île-de-France | 9-28.11.2021
“Exploring the invisible”, from 9 to 28 November 2021, in Paris and the Ile de France region: 3 weeks to witness the creative adventures carried out at the crossroads of the arts, sciences and technologies in research laboratories, schools and universities, theatres and cultural facilities, in close connection with their territories of expression.
Conceived by the members of the Exoplanète Terre network as the arts & sciences sequence of the Nemo Biennial “Beyond the Real?” to meet researchers, artists and students who explore the interstices of our contemporary world, between arts, sciences and technologies
Installations, performances, shows, screenings, meetings and debates are taking place from the Plateau de Saclay and the communes of the Essonne to the CENTQUATRE in Paris, via a wide range of partner venues in the Île-de-France region.
Events programation
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Nuit des idées 2020 “Being alive: becoming machine-like?”
Musée des Arts et Métiers | 30.01.2020
An evening of transdisciplinary encounters and debates, with performances and artistic installations allowing us to experiment with our “becoming machine-like”.
Machines infiltrate where we least expect them, taking over our bodies and influencing our ways of acting and thinking: endowed with behaviours, capable of autonomy and decision-making, even of creativity, machines are gradually acquiring powers, know-how, even rights that make them “alive”, or at least endow them with attributes hitherto reserved to living beings.
Vidéo Nuits des Idées 2020
Find out more
Garden the Sky Water
École polytechnique, Cité internationale des Arts, Studio des Ursulines, Maison des Métallos | 12-15.06.2019
International symposium: four days of meetings, conferences, round tables and performances to explore our relationship with water in the sky, from the atmosphere to the cosmos, from a scientific, artistic, ecological and philosophical perspective.
What are the socio-political, scientific and philosophical implications of water in the atmosphere and in space? In the tension between our infinite desires and limited resources, can we succeed in cultivating new approaches together in the exploration of alternative sources of water, inspired by the philosophy of Gilles Clément and his “Garden in Motion“?
By convening post-anthropocentric narratives mixing nature, culture and technology, by insisting on our interdependence to our environment, in the manner of the game of strings quoted by Donna Haraway, we propose a renewed alliance between all the “companion species” of biodiversity.
Symposium’s agenda
Press : “Le ciel est l’avenir de l’eau”
Online conference
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Behavioral Matter
Centre Pompidou | 23.02-14.04.2019
A series of international arts, science & design events to explore the notion of behavioural matter.How to create inspired by or with the living, to compose with living or partially living systems or organisms?
This approach, which implies rethinking the relationships between humans, non-humans and environments, is implemented here through the exploration of the notion of “behaviour”, whether it concerns living, artificial or hybrid systems. “Behavioral Matter” is divided into three series of events:
1ff Matière à comportements | 23.02-14.04.2019 | Cycle d’ateliers pour enfants1ff Behavioral Matter, Workshop | 15-17.03.2019 | International and public research-creation workshop : organised visits and public feedback1ff study day – Composer avec le vivant | 29.03.2019 | International symposium
13h30-19h30 : study day
20h30-22h : evening “Dissect”
“Exolands” – Launching evening of the Exoplanète Terre’s network
École des Arts Décoratifs | 22.03.2019
A new initiative of nine cultural actors in Ile-de-France, the Exoplanète Terre network proposes a programme weaving links between the arts and sciences to “consider the Earth as a planet to be discovered”, between ecological and anthropotechnical questions.
The evening of the launch of the 2019-2020 programme was followed by a happening in “Exoterritories” proposed by the Cie Le Clair Obscur and the artist Frédéric Deslias, who invited about twenty participants to put on a cosmonaut’s outfit and follow an exploration protocol in the Panthéon district.
A travelling programme proposed by the Ile-de-France network Exoplanète Terre : Biennale Némo, CAC Brétigny, Chaire “arts & sciences”, Collectif Culture 91 – “La Science de l’Art”, Domaine départemental de Chamarande, La Diagonale Paris-Saclay, Siana, in association with TRAs and Makery.
Find out more
Becoming Plant
École polytechnique et ENS Jourdan | 09-13.10.2017
International symposium- conferences and workshops
Two days of workshops, two days of symposiums and one day of debates organised around our “Becoming plant” to challenge our perception of plants, to glimpse and invent another set of strings to practice with plants: it is no longer a question of simply enlightening us on what plants bring to us, but of going beyond this anthropocentrism and imagining how we are going to be transformed by them.
“Becoming a plant” is a gathering of artists, physicists, gardeners, philosophers, biologists, mediologists, farmers, historians and anthropologists – researchers willing to renew their practices, protocols, learning and questioning processes together.
1fffffSpeakers :
Study desk – Emanuele Coccia – Gilberto Esparza – Francis Hallé Jens Hauser – Sebastian Jansajoy- Michael Marder – Natasha Myers Patrick Perré – Špela Petrič – Quimera Rosa – Marc-André SelosseInternational symposium conceived and organised by Aniara Rodado, as part of her arts-sciences doctoral research at the École polytechnique with the support of the Chaire Arts & Sciences , in collaboration with Jean-Marc Chomaz and with the partnership of the Chaire Développement durable of the École polytechnique, the LabeX LaSIPS and the OU /ERT association.